Saturday 30 January 2010

Mireia's fourth letter

Dear students,

How are you? I am very happy every time I read your comments on this blog, really really happy! I am also missing you a lot, but it is nice to be in touch thanks to this blog where I can tell you things and show you some pictures of Kolkata (Calcuta). This way, you will learn more cultural and social things.

Here you can see another picture of my students and me. They are now learning how to read in English and we also practice “mental maths” in English as well! As I told you, their English is quite good. In the other pictures you can see Kindergarten students (Infantil) playing some games outside.


 Here you can see a video of them singing a song in Bengali (their language):

You asked me what we eat: Always rice or noodles with some spicy sauce. They mix the boiled rice with vegetables, and sometimes they eat it with “xapati” (the typical Indian baked bread). Everything is so spicy that I sometimes need to put “curd” on the food, or eat it after. It is an Indian yogurt. 

Here I show you a temple of this city. I visited it last weekend. It is a religious place where people can go and pray. They are all really nice and peaceful. People normally go there and spend some time relaxed.


This weekend I have been in an Indian wedding! Weddings here in this country (Hindu weddings) take almost six days! They are very long and each day there is a different ceremony.


And here the weather is hotter than in Spain, but it was colder than now some days before. In February the weather changes a little bit and becomes warmer than before, so it is better for the people who live on the streets.


I miss you a lot and I enjoy your comments very much!
So thank you, and lots of kisses!


1 comment:

  1. Hola Mireia sóc la Gemma, la teva veïna. Fa dies que pensava demanar el teu mail i finalment en Jaume em va dir que escribies cartes aquí. Sóc un desastre! Encara que vaig una mica tard ja he vist que estas molt bé. No saps l'enveja que em fas, menjant xapati, la caloreta, ... en fi molts petons i aprofita que aviat et tornarem a veure.
