Thursday 14 January 2010

My first days in Loreto School

Dear students,

I am also missing you a lot! Thank you very much for all your messages. I am very happy in this school, but it is a really hard experience. You have learnt how to compare things, haven't yo? So, now you can compare both realities:

People here in Kolkata (Calcuta) are very poor. Most of the children who come to school are really poor. Some of them are orphan children who don’t have father and mother, so it is very sad.

As you can see, they have to wear the same clothes in the school every day, and they have really old materials in the classrooms: desks, tables, books.., everything is old. They don’t have Internet, or computers, they just have wood tables, a blackboard, notebooks and books. That’s all.

But they are all really nice and they smile all the time; I am really happy with them and I hope they are also happy with me. I am like “something strange” for them, because some of them had never seen a foreign person before, and I have: blond hair, blue eyes, white skin.., so I am really different!

Kolkata is bigger than Barcelona and bigger than Madrid. It has more than 15.000.000 of inhabitants! And life in this city is harder than in Spain. People work more than 12h par day, and they earn less money than we do in our country. Some people don’t have house and they have to eat, sleep, have a shower…everything is done in the street!:

It is the only place in the world were “horse-men” exist. They are mans who can bring you wherever you want as you can see in this picture. And most of the times they don’t use shoes!

I hope you are having a good time in school and also in your life, and I hope to see you soon (in March). I wish you the best! And are rich if you compare to these poor children and people here in Kolkata! You must be happy with all what you have!. I promise to write a letter for you every week.

Lots of kisses,

1 comment:

  1. Simplement no tinc paraules, com tu mateixa dius, les imatges parlen per si soles. Crec que fins que no xoques amb aquesta crua realitat no t'andones de fins a quin punt n'és d'injusta la vida i del que en som d'ignorants de la realitat que hi ha fora. Nosaltres vivim en un núvol tot ple de comoditats i encara ens queixem cada dia. Crec que tots necessitaríem viure una experiència com la teva, una experiència que admiro molt i que ens ajudaria a tots simplement a ser més humils i solidaris, pq estem perdent tots els valors importants d'aquesta vida. Per això t'animo des d'aquí a ser valenta i aportar el teu granet de sorra i creu-me que el que apendras aquí no hi ha escola que ho pugui ensenyar.

    Mireia's students you must be proud of your teacher she is doing something incredible.

    Best wishes and take care!

